Why Every Expectant Mama Should Have A Hospital Checklist
For moms who want to get and stay organized, pregnancy can be a time of joyful anticipation. However, it can also be a time of overwhelm and frustration. That’s where having a good checklist comes in. A hospital checklist helps new moms get those routine and obvious tasks and items to buy out of mind and instead focus on the important task of welcoming a little one into the world.
Not having a pregnancy checklist is like giving chaos and confusion an invitation to your special day. Hey, we know a thing or two about hospital bags (and have already some pre-packed hospital bags waiting for you!). So, we’ve got you covered with a list of some other things you’ll want to make sure to remember to include in your pregnancy checklist.

A personal hospital checklist ready for the day you give birth will minimize stress, remove guesswork, and allow room for the unexpected. It can become your best ally for helping you avoid forgetting something important like your wallet or accidentally doing something that might cause a problem. A checklist is helpful if the task is difficult, you need to do it quickly, or if there are multiple steps involved to complete it.
- Official Documents. Don’t forget to bring a valid photo ID, insurance card, and birth plan if you have one.
- Mama Comfort Items. As part of your pregnancy checklist, include items to care for yourself before, during, and after birth. Add to your list: a body pillow, comfy blanket, non-perishable snacks, robe, nightgown, nursing bra, adult diapers, and your favorite lip balm.
- Baby Essentials. These items include everything from installing your car seat, packing a onesie, velcro swaddle, receiving blanket, and animal pacifier. Remember to wash any materials that come in direct contact with your new baby’s sensitive skin.
Moms-to-be can get overwhelmed with all of the things to do during pregnancy and the delivery process. At Lily and Llama, our pre-packed hospital bag comes with a checklist with over 25 items that you won’t want to forget. New mamas- this is also as a reminder and permission: you don’t have to strive for perfection. Making mistakes is a guarantee. You are human! The checklist is simply a tool to help guide you.

Having a checklist prepared ahead of time will help your mind go from overwhelmed to overjoyed. Creating this checklist is not just for this first family milestone but also becomes a strategy you use for you and your family for years to come. Mamas, be sure to tell us in the comments or on our Insta what you are including on your checklist!