Congratulations! You are going to be an amazing second-time parent. You’ve been through it all, from taking prenatal vitamins and navigating new relationship dynamics to getting ready for labor, delivering, and bringing home a little one. So you already know what to expect when it comes to pregnancy, childbirth, and the first year of parenting. But now that you are expecting again, there are some important ways to get yourself ready to care for two babies at once. We know it can feel overwhelming and we want to help make the transition easier for you. So, how to prepare for baby number two? We’ll cover seven things to consider before baby number two arrives.
Here’s our advice:
1. You’ve done this before. Trust yourself.
A woman’s intuition skyrockets when she becomes a mom. That, plus the miracle of nature ensures that you got this. Think back to your first time being pregnant. What can you remember that would be helpful to keep in mind this time around? Is there anything you remember not to do, like perhaps not having that garlic hummus during your first trimester?
Each pregnancy will vary, so while it’s good to keep memories from your first experience in mind, trust that you are strong and wise enough to see baby number two’s journey with fresh eyes.
2. Make room – mentally and physically.
You’ll soon be welcoming a new addition to your home and heart. What things are taking up space mentally, emotionally, or physically that get to be released before the baby comes? It could be finally clearing out that closet you haven’t seen the back of in months. Maybe it’s forgiving that old friend for the thing you’ve forgotten by now. It could be taking the guesswork and hours of product searching out of preparing your hospital bag. (If this is you, don’t worry, we got you. The Lily and Llama pre-packed hospital bag was created just for you!) Whatever it is, if it’s weighing heavy or taking up space in your mind, heart, or home – get rid of it! Once the baby comes, you’ll be glad for the fresh start and extra space.
3. Learn to share your focus, time, and cuddles with your firstborn.
As soon as you’re ready to tell your firstborn about their promotion to big brother or sister, it’s a good idea to allow them time to get comfortable with the changes they’re going to experience. Begin to strategize ways to create special moments out of the mundane. For instance, while your newborn naps in their crib, snuggle up for a quick storytime and nap with your firstborn. Allow them to share in tasks like checking in on the baby and reporting back to you.

4. Babyproof your relationships.
Remember how you navigated being a new mom with friends, family, and your partner? Ok, do that again, but this time, give yourself all the grace you deserve. Having multiple children is a juggle, and since you already know how to make time for calls with loved ones, girl’s nights (in-person or virtual nowadays!), you’ll be a pro at asking for support where you need it. Asking for help from your support system not only supports you as a mom but also models what a healthy community looks like for your little ones from the get-go.
5. Wear something special.
It’s maybe easy to get into a rhythm of convenience and opt for sweats each day, but we encourage you to wear something special that makes you feel not only comfortable but pretty, too. Whether it’s a special favorite robe, a nostalgic t-shirt, or one of our maxi dresses, being a mom of two is all the more reason to treat yourself with extra care even through your wardrobe.

6. Self-care is family care.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about being a mom of two, it’s that I get to pace myself! Remember that when you fill your cup first, you give from your overflow. As you prepare for baby number two, really double down on what makes you feel your fullest self. Even write it down so when you have your moments, you know just the thing to lift your spirits.
7. Keep some things routine.
What are some ways you can keep a bit of your routine intact? Saturday family storytime? Comfort food Friday? A new addition will undoubtedly bring some lovely chaos into your mix, and having some set traditions will help your family feel rooted.

Mamas, we hope this helps make life a little easier on ya as you ask yourself how to prepare for baby number two. Remember to enjoy every moment, because it goes by quickly. And of course, if there’s anything we missed, let us know by leaving a comment below or sending us a message on our Instagram! We love to hear from you.